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I am a young and passionate teacher who taught Science at a high obtaining grammar school in Kent for 3 years. I have since left to become a full-time private tutor and have now been doing this for 9 years which I thoroughly enjoy and have received some fantastic feedback.
I specialise in Physics and can teach Physics at A-level standard as well as teaching Physics, Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics at GCSE.

I have been fully qualified for twelve years and have had experience teaching the full 11-18 age range. Also, I have had experience teaching students of a range of abilities. I am a very calm and patient individual.

Tutoring Experience

I have taught secondary school Science at KS3 and KS4 as well as Physics at KS5 full time for three years at a high achieving school in Kent. I have nearly 9 years of full-time private tuition experience.

Tutoring Approach

I am a very calm and patient individual who is friendly and approachable. I am extraordinarily passionate about Science and Maths. I aim to develop student's ability and confidence at obtaining the answers for themselves and developing their exam technique and problem solving abilities. I am happy to assist with homework, exam preparation or general help as required. I am willing to help further via email and can provide additional resources if students desire them.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University of Leeds2010BachelorsPhysics with Astrophysics
University of Leeds2011PGCESecondary school Science
Gravesend Grammar school2012QTSSecondary school Science - Specialising in Physics

Richard's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)2
Rating from 2 references


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